You Tube provides two types (small/large) of thumbnails for each video. It quite simple task to grab thumbnail from YouTube video. I created this function for grabbing thumbnails form YouTube videos. Its able to grab from both URL and Embedded code and also small and large size.

Function Body:

* Function: youtube thumb grabber
* @description :
* @param  $ : video code, url type (embed/url),size (small/Large),thumb link
* @return : thumb path
* @author : Mamun.
* @last -modified-by: Mamun.
if (! function_exists('youtube_thumb_grabber' ))

     function youtube_thumb_grabber($video_code, $link_type = "embed", $size = "small", $thumb_link = "")
            if ($video_code != '')
                   if ($link_type == "embed")

                                  $splited_data = explode("=",$video_code);

                                  $video_unique_code = substr(strrchr($splited_data[4],"/"),1,-strlen(strrchr($splited_data[4],"&")));

                  else if ($link_type == "url")
                                  $splited_data = explode("=",$video_code);
                                  $video_unique_code = substr($splited_data[1],0,-strlen(strrchr($splited_data[1],"&")));

                  if($size == "small")
                            return "<a href=\"$thumb_link\"><img src=\"$video_unique_code/2.jpg\" alt=\"No image\" /></a>";
                  else if ($size == "large")
                            return "<a href=\"$thumb_link\"><img src=\"$video_unique_code/0.jpg\" alt=\"No image\" /></a>";
                            return "<a href=\"$thumb_link\"><img src=\"$video_unique_code/2.jpg\" alt=\"No image\" /></a>";




Calling Function:


echo youtube_thumb_grabber($video["video_code"],"embed","small","resources/videos/view/".$video["video_title_url"]);


Its Cool. 😀